Still, figuring out which one to go with Lingvist or Duolingo?
Well, to solve the hassles help you choose among the best — Lingvist or Duolingo, we have featured an in-depth comparison of these two language learning platforms.
So let’s dive in.
As someone very wisely cited, “He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.” Being able to learn a new language and make use of it to connect with anyone around or yourself indeed, can be coined as one of the most rewarding aspects of human experience.
To have known another language is like having possessed a second soul, which in turn means to have a great sense of perspective regarding “la vie” meaning life in French. Language is an art of speaking and listening exercises can also help you learn. A flair, A gift bestowed upon the humans so that they can convey their words, to become socialized. People use it as their way to express their thoughts, feelings, and communications. Besides people are very fond of traveling, which makes them urge to speak more than one language.
Many times, due to a lack of proper communication, numerous opportunities are lost. Are there any sources by which one can learn various languages? The answer is yes, there are copious ways to grasp these languages. Language Courses available, majorly linguistics which means the study of languages is very useful here. It embraces the scanning of language structure and the whole sense of language.
The one who masters or studies this course is known as a linguist. A linguist is someone who studies language courses. A linguist analyses every strand of language, vocabulary, grammar, the concept of language, and how words advance the time being. Linguists are very essential, as everyone isn’t aware of numerous languages. In this post, we will be doing a comparison between two Language learning apps Lingvist vs Duolingo.
What is the need for Language learning apps?
Various countries produce numerous amount of films in various languages. Not everyone understands the fountainhead of the languages. So they need an alternative source to understand the show, like the subtitles or and audio. These things are provided by the linguists hired by the censors. People enjoy their show in their respective comfortable language without any problem understand the words or dialogues.
Also one can take on a linguist to acquire knowledge of a particular language he or she is interested in. As a rule of society, one will provide you their service if you pay for that. You have to pay linguists to become competent in that language. However, today in the 21st-century world has stepped up far away. There are a huge amount of sources available for linguistics. One can pick up a particular language through online courses or a mobile app.
There are various applications like Lingvist, Memorize, Duolingo, Babble, etc where one can learn other languages. There are a countless number of languages and conversations about the dialects. For decades mankind has been using these varied languages as their source for communication. However, coming to terms with a language that is not home is not as effortless as it sounds.
It needs a practice of deliberate effort and enough time. Time, I’ll tell you can be compared to money; not everyone has a lot of it, making it troublesome for people who might want to invest time into this kind of art. Well like everything else, technology has an answer to this too. To name the solution: Lingvist vs Duolingo.
So, Let’s get Started with Lingvist vs Duolingo Comparison
Lingvist vs Duolingo-The Same Features
Both Lingvist and Duolingo are applications available on various platforms like the Play-store and App-store, providing a wide spectrum of languages to get well-versed with that are contemporary and newfangled. Competitors in nature, both these mobile app have their very own compelling and redoubtable foundations laid. Like everything else that subsides, these applications have their own set of strengths and shortcomings. All of them being very subjective, it is imperative enough to discuss these. Well, of course, the features in both of these applications might vary, but let us first discuss how these applications are similar? The following two ways will answer that for you:
- Both have the word “ling” in common which means language, hereby marking an inference that both of these applications tend to revolve around the basic concept of languages.
- Working on a similar motto of teaching languages.
Lingvist vs Duolingo: The Foundation
Lingvist Overview
A basic background first? As basic as how Wikipedia propounds it, Lingvist is an adaptive learning platform putting forth languages like English, French, Spanish, and German along with other courses. This app has been made available internationally as well. While making overall descants we shall consider aspects like its format, precision, user-friendliness, etc.
Duolingo Overview:
To get acquainted with the basic work of Duolingo, here are some details into it.
Duolingo is an American language learning website and mobile app that sets before users a wide variety of over 90 languages, which for sure is a great deal. It has evidently been a highly used app and to justify that: “Duolingo won the iPhone app of the year award in 2013.”It has also been a highly engaging application – a lot of surveys say. However, to have a fair statement we shall weigh out its pros and cons. Let’s dive into it by giving this application a global view through various angles.
You can also read Mondly Vs Duolingo here.
Lingvist vs Duolingo- Language Learning Format
Lingvist Interface
Lingvist presents a single type of a question wherein a French sentence with a word missing and a list of English translations for the missing word and asks you to fill in the blank. This tends to create a point of convergence on memorizing individual words leaving out on comprehending the whole sentences. This does allow the users to learn umpteen new words in a short span though.
Duolingo Interface
Duolingo has diverse question formats and exercises, by far the most common being the translation of sentences between two languages. This deliberates the understanding of an entire sentence on a whole than individual units. This, in turn, facilitates the daily usage and application of languages. It is also said to be extensive when it comes to nuances of language. It surfaces plenty of audio material, articles to translate, and a cooperative development made by users.
Many Philosophers, Idealists Psychiatrists have been telling these many years that learning becomes a lot easier when a source of video interaction is given. One grasps that particular thing faster when it is visualized. Duolingo provides this kind of features or services very well managed. They make you learn the languages with fun mini-lessons that feel more like games. They provide short lessons that help you practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation of the opted language. The application starts with all of the basic phrases in sentences. Duolingo is changing the way people learn languages around the world.
Lingvist vs Duolingo- Range of Options and Variety
Lingvist does fall short here. It does not provide a large elbow room though. The number of options available is limited with a great constraint on the number of languages available for learning. Adding to it, many of the site’s features are confined to very few languages, making the app very minimal. Also, the variety of exercises is pretty narrow.
The variety of languages that Duolingo provides is a little bias and comes up with natively European languages. This does tend to create a hindrance.
Lingvist vs Duolingo- Grammar and Methodology
Lingvist as an individual platform lacks the ability to instill the basics of grammar in users. But to be fluent enough in a particular language, getting the ground basics is highly vital. This might be considered as a major loophole for Lingvist.
An engaging learning method is what Duolingo stuck to. Each lesson uses a variety of different learning methods to keep the activities interesting and fun. Duolingo also tends to have better hints when you get things wrong, and will sometimes accept answers where you make a typing error.
Lingvist vs Duolingo: User-Interface
A lot of reviews on the internet say, and I shall agree to is that Lingvist has a beautiful user interface and is user friendly beyond the shadow of a doubt. The website of Lingvist has an effectual blog too. With the aid of AI, Lingvist also concedes the learning process to be easier and apt meaning that one can skip sessions if very easy.
Duolingo is a very intuitive application.People who have used the application tend to share their reviews which show that ease and user-friendliness run down the app. The app always keeps itself up to date with any recent advancements, and also by uploading new courses on the app.
Lingvist vs Duolingo- Pricing Review
Lingvist Pricing Plans
Duolingo Pricing Plans
Lingvist vs Duolingo- Pros and Cons
FAQs- Lingvist Vs Duolingo
Is there anything better than Duolingo?
We have collected a list of solutions that reviewers have voted as the top overall alternatives and rivals to Duolingo. Some of the solutions on this list include Rosetta Stone, Lingvist, Busuu, and Mango Languages.
Is Lingvist worth it?
When it comes to acquiring new nouns and adjectives, Lingvist does a fair job. Verbs fare worse, while pronouns and prepositions fare much worse. The issue is that each declension, tense, and conjugation is handled as if it were a different word.
Are Duolingo courses free?
Duolingo's language lessons are no-cost, but you may remove advertisements and back Duolingo's commitment to free education by upgrading to Super.
Is Duolingo better than babbel?
Which language-learning app, Babbel or Duolingo, is more effective? Based on our extensive evaluation of both language-learning apps, we have concluded that Babbel is the superior option. Babbel is the better app than Duolingo because of its superior curriculum, teaching method, and delivery.
Quick Links-
- Rocket Languages vs Duolingo: Which One To Choose?
- Lingoda Review: Best Language Learning Platform [Honest Opinion]
- Rocket Languages Courses Coupon Codes 2025: Get Upto 40% Off Now
- Babbel vs Duolingo 2025: Which One To Choose?
- Babbel Review 2025: My Personal Experience With Babbel [MUST READ]
- Rosetta Stone Courses Coupon Codes 2025: Get Upto 40% Off Sitewide
- Rocket languages Vs Rosetta Stone
Conclusion- Lingvist Vs Duolingo 2025 | Which is Best for You?
Amongst the plethora of apps out there, Duolingo is the application which is specifically selected as the best by the users. Duolingo is a great platform to study a language or there wouldn’t be millions of people rendering it. But the application is quite limited.
With Lingvist, you can perform these practices whenever you want. Imagine a pandemic situation, where the world is quarantined and you have no source to learn these languages physically. Lingvist works as an aid, as an alternative for these kinds of situations. One can learn various languages just by staying at home. You can also contact them here.
If you have questions then FAQ can definitely help. Or check out their social handles at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Youtube.
There is a transparency between the place and time. The exercises are almost like little games, with tonnes of ways to retain information. You can speak it, read it, type it, listen to it, see pictures, etc. Duolingo is very useful, but as a basic course, also very confusing for a complete beginner. You can contact Duolingo here.
For any queries, you can check out their FAQ section. Or their social media handles at Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
To call up for Duolingo in a line: “It is a very resourceful app which has a scope for improvement in areas like the variety of languages.” All in all, Lingvist is a great app if noted but shall have a great response from the users if aspects like the range of activities and ways to improve its relativity and grammar are improved. It has a long list of pros. I would suggest all of you before using lingvist to first identify what your needs and requirements are when it comes to a language and then choose the app that meets the requirements better.
Hopefully, you would get an idea between the two language learning apps Lingivist Vs Duolingo. In my point of view, Duolingo is a Winner of this comparison as its user interface and methodology make the learning experience good.
Duolingo has recently LOCKED it’s user forums thus freezing the ability of users to report errors and shortsightedness short of bugs (which can still be reported independently).
“One grasps that particular thing faster when it is visualized. Duolingo provides this kind of features or services very well managed.” False, and your ESL is coming to light again. Duolingo has a severe design defect whereby images, voices, and genderized words are by incompetent design only randomly matched. I have ample screenshots of Duo insiders verifying this.