7 Best DAT Courses & Study Materials 2025: Which Is Better?

In this post, we have shared the Best DAT Courses in 2025 which gives you tips to prepare for the Dental Admission Tests. Here, you can get the list of all the institutes offering such courses. Read here!!

What is DAT?

DAT stands for the Dental Admission Test and consists of a multiple-choice exam. It is conducted by the American Dental Association.

Sections Time Scores Exam Cost
Survey of natural sciences 90minutes Range: 1-30

Highest score: 30

Average score: 20

Minimum score: 18

A score of 21 or higher is must




Perceptual ability(PAT) 60minutes
Reading comprehension 60minutes
Quantitative reasoning 45minutes


Everyone knows that we need to join both of our hands to clap together since only a single effort always cannot assure to give you the best output. So for that both the hands must be efficient enough to provide you with the best results for the future that you have dreamt of.

Here in this case if one of the hands represents you then the other will be the efforts that have been done by you to crack your goal.

Presenting before you the top DAT preparation courses across the globe.

[Updated] List Of Best DAT Courses & Study Materials 2025



Best DAT Prep courses


Kaplan is a legal entity from the person or people forming it. It is a for-profit organization providing educational services to colleges and universities and many more which not only includes education programs but professional training and certifications, test preparation and student support services that are very beneficial for future purpose.

KAPLAN provides with you the best studying strategy as per the need of the students.


  • Live classes
  • Online classes
  • Preparation classes
  • Practice Tests


The trainees of Kaplan promises to raise the scores of the students. The new syllabus of Kaplan is updated and redesigned with real feedback of the students. Either you can prepare with a teacher or you can prepare on your own. Teachers at Kaplan guide you and answer your questions for free.

Kaplan DAT test prep


Requirements to be met by choosing Kaplan

More flexibility& guidance Strategies to boost your score The best teachers in DAT prep All your prep in one place
  1. More flexibility and guidance

Things become easier when you try to learn them instead of memorizing. Understanding the concepts help you in such a way that it becomes difficult for you to forget anything. Such a platform is Kaplan where it provides you with the most flexible teaching strategy and guidance which will help you to understand the things better.

  1. Strategies to boost your score

But learning is not only important if 100% results are not shown so it is very important that you get the desired results after your efforts. Kaplan provides you a strategy where you not only learn but you can boost your score too.

  1. The best teachers in DAT preparation

Here they provide the best instructors with the best quality teaching style where they guide and answer the questions. Get every material you need to prepare for the DAT, from science review to strategy, and plenty of resources for DAT preparation. It’s all fully updated and redesigned using feedback from students just like you.

  1. All your preparation in one place

The world has turned into a speedometer. No one wants to waste time searching for specific places for specific things. But what if you get all your needs in one place. Kaplan satisfies all your  DAT prep needs in one place.

  1. Your way is the only way

You cannot depend on anyone for your future. You have only one life so you need to implement your dreams since no one knows when life will end.

If you want to become independent then you need to plan your things accordingly. No one will compel you for anything so you must follow your dreams for which you need to put all the efforts that are possible for you. As you learn, Kaplan’s smart syllabus recommends homework just for you, so you can study efficiently and save time. If you want even more targeted practice then use KALPAN’s new question banks to build custom quizzes.

  1. Real practice for the real thing

Only practicing is not enough but you must practice for the exact things. The test is always very important to check you have learned the things correctly. To not a sudden shock on the test day practice with 7 full-length tests so you know exactly what to expect on test day.

If you see things regularly then it’s becoming very easy for you to remember the things in just ago. So become stamina required to succeed.

  1. Score high period

Kaplan not only focusses on the studies of students but it makes sure to improve its a performance by continually improving it’s curriculum using feedback from students that helps them to make sure for a higher DAT score for their students which is guaranteed or the money is returned back.

  1. Get a free consultation

You can also get all your questions answered for free by talking to an expert. From that, you will know the exact position where you stand and where to go next.


Kaplan Test Prep

DAT Prep Plus 2019-2020 offers two online practice tests, proven strategies, and expert guidance so you can score higher.

Self-paced Course Live online Online tutoring
$1299 $1499 $2699


Kaplan for DAT


Kaplan DAT Book

– Higher Score Guaranteed!

– With comprehensive review

– Realistic practice

– Kaplan’s exclusive test-taking strategies

– This effective guide provides you with the targeted training you need to get the most out of your preparation and maximize your DAT score.



  1. Proved errors, throughout the material.
  2. In some places, there might be a question with an incorrect answer.
  3. Mistakes in the question itself. But these mistakes won’t matter at all if you study thoroughly and these things can be added in the student feedback to help them to improve.
  4. Videos come at a high price due to their high quality.



2.The Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is a college admission services company which offers you with test preparation services, tutoring and admissions resources, online courses, and books published by Random House.

The Princeton review


The Princeton Review offers online test preparation for tests like SAT, ACT, and graduates school exams. The company consists of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors in the United States and Canada and also international franchises in 14 other countries. The headquarter is in New York City and is privately held. Though there is Princeton in the title, it is not associated with Princeton University.



DAT Prep courses review

Like every other top-class DAT courses, PRINCETON also presents you with the best format of DAT preparation which includes its types as given below.

1.55 hours of in class instruction              2.4 full-length, computer-based tests 3.3-5 subject best instructors     4.Comprehensive workbooks, including a 3-D practice kit for the Perceptual Ability Test 1.30 hours of in class instruction                   2.3 full length proctored tests+1 additional

3.Comprehensive workbooks, including a 3-D practice kit for the Perceptual Ability Test


$1,399 $1,199

Why Choose Princeton?

  • Productive Preparation

Princeton knows that great scores take efforts. That’s they have designed their courses to be efficient, targeted and strategic for you to make the most of every time you devote on prepping.


Experts know how to design lessons based on how you’re learning since they design lessons FOR Self-Paced not just record classroom lessons and put them in our Self-Paced prep.


  • Engaging Teachers

Princeton looks for proven expertise and also a sense of humor, and that’s before they put the teachers through 40 hours of training. Princeton says they love their teachers so students will.


  • Better Scores

Princeton guarantees you’ll get higher scores and have an exceptional preparation experience. But if you don’t find, they say they will refund your tuition or let you prepare again for free.



Although the method followed is very well prepared but they offer limited live in-person courses, and also these courses might not be as accessible to all, but then also after lacking this  Princeton consists of wonderful online courses that are available to anyone and the closest available courses can be checked online.



3. CourseSaver

From our childhood only we are used to learning things visually. The study shows that visual attention increases the efficiency of signaling into the brain’s cerebral cortex and boosts the ratio of signal over noise.

Best courses for DAT


And such an effective method is followed by CourseSaver which presents you with the top-notch videos with very clear, concise video library to have a clear review of  everything that the students have learned in general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics that is very beneficial for thousands of students to score in the top 90th percentile on national placement exam.

  • Clear and concise videos library

Top of the line audio, visual, and technology to make your learning easy, enjoyable and simple

  • Consistently excellent instruction

Consist of top-rated teachers of the country who teach the most recently updated information as soon as possible for them.

  • Available on-demand – 24/7

Learn what you want when you want from CourseSaver’s library of videos, quizzes, flashcards, and from pees. Here peers work together through open forums on video subjects.

  • Over 10,000 Quiz Questions with Solutions

You can get down to the brass tacks with quizzes and flashcards organized for all the subjects. Also, the peers can share their flashcards directly with users or publicity.

  • Flexible pricing as low as $12/month

You can purchase a full or purchase a la carte and never stop learning and take what you need according to your choice.

  • College Courses

If you are struggling because of a poor teacher or if a refresher is required after a long break off then you will find the info on the subject you need. (Quizzes only)

  • Pre-health prep(DAT)

These tests are really very serious and passing them is not a joke since they have incredibly important implications. Know how to pass them in the first try and do so in the top percentile.

  • National Boards Prep (Dental/Medical)

It is always important to understand what’s on the National Boards. But you must know how to pass it since this the next step so get the proper info you need to do it.


You may move quicker or slower but you must know what to learn so learn what you need. With the specific videos that are tailored to keep alignment with the learning of the traditional schools, info can be found according to our needs. If always wanna stay ahead of the curve and need a better teacher for this, then you can look at CourseSaver’s calendaring system to plan out and stay on top of all with the simple steps given below

  • Select Study Schedule from the menu and find the course you are needing help in.
  • Decide the time span you want to complete in.
  • Share your schedule to your google calendar and execute.



CourseSaver for DAT

CourseSaver consists of its instructional video library known as Chad’s videos where more than 40 free DAT and thousands of other free videos can be previewed which outlines for each section and quizzes.

It covers all the important sections entirely and makes you feel like you are in a real classroom, where Chad explains the concepts in length and they can be played at fast or normal speeds.



Total videos Free videos Timings
 DAT INTRO 2 00:37:45
*General chemistry 43 3 14:27:52
1 atomic and nuclear structure 6 3 02:14:09
2. periodic trends and bonding 5 02:10:54
3.Phases and gases 4 01:56:11
4.solutions and kinetics 5 01:39:01
5.equilibrium and acids and gases 10 03:18:17
6.thermodynamics 7 01:34:34
7.electrochemistry 6 01:34:36


Total videos Free videos Timings
Organic chemistry 33 3 14:06:58
1.the basics 7 3 02:36:22
2.isomers,Newman projection,cycloalkanes,substitution and elimination 6 02:44:13
3.alkene/alkyne Rxns, halogenation, and aromatic compounds 5 02:40:11
4.alcohol,ethers and epoxides,nucleophilic Addition, nucleophilicacyl substitution,alpha addition Rxns 6 02:44:14
5.lab techniques and spectroscopy 6 02:05:55
6.biochemistry macro,molecules 3 01:16:03


Total videos Free videos Timing
Quantitative reasoning 27 2 05:26:15
0-Ratios and Proportions 0 00:00:00


Total videos Free videos Timings
Biology 63 63 08:39:07
1.Cell & Molecular Biology 22 22 04:26:01
2.Developmental Biology 3 00:31:39
3.Diversity of Life 0 00:00:00
4.Evolution, Ecology, and Biology 1 1 00:14:20
5.Genetics 9 9 02:45:29



Total videos Free videos Timings
Structure and function of systems 28 11 00:41:38
0.Integumentary 2 00:17:00
1.cardiovascular system 6 1 00:00:01
2.Digestive system 8 8 00:00:00
3.Endocrine system 5 00:00:00
4.Musculoskeletal System 5 00:00:00
5.Immune system 2 2 00:24:37


Total videos        Free videos Timings
Origins of life 1 00:05:30


Total videos Free videos Timings
Waxing videos 15 15 05:15:43


Subscribe to all the videos and associated quizzes at $50   (30 days)

Cons: Even though the subjects other than biology are very well tutored but the Biology and other three tests of the DAT have some material to review, but they are not complete as given in review sources as for the two Chemistry sections.



DAT courses to prepare online


Since the name only suggests crack the DAT. If you wanna pass the DAT with flying colours then CrackDat is the best place to learn. It arouses the DAT under actual tests conditions and provides you with the exact official DAT test interface.

It also includes live video explanations, by a real tutor and explanations in detail and presence of comprehensive analysis to pick out your weaknesses. You can download the materials instantly.




  • 4,500 Newly Released Questions with Explanations

Not only reading but you should master every subject to clear DAT.

Improve your skills, management of time build confidence by having a thorough knowledge of the 4500 newly released questions with explanations.


  • 3,200 High-Quality Videos

As aforementioned many times that videos are easy to digest, entertaining and so that you won’t get bored during your entire preparation.

CrackDAT also takes care of itself by providing you with 3,200 high-quality videos.


  • Questions Updated for 2025

Question pattern of the exam always doesn’t remain the same but it always comes with a new pattern so here the questions are updated for every new year now for this year.


  • Unlimited Access on All Devices

It provides 6 months unlimited access on all your electronic devices including, your Mac, PC, iPhone/iPad, and Android devices. No downloads or installation, CrackDAT works through your internet browser. Unlike others, you receive twice as long membership access at half the cost!


  • Same Look and Feel of the DAT

Use the most realistic interface to take full-length and section-length tests, plus quizzes on any DAT subject. Practice tests of the Crack DAT help to feel confident on the day of the test.


  • DAT Score Guarantee

It guarantees a score of higher than 14 on the actual DAT otherwise it says that you will get your money back. It provides you with so many things you need to score for your DAT exam starting from amazing newly released question patterns, high-quality videos, most importantly updated questions with unlimited access on all devices.



It is a known fact if you want to succeed in your life then you obviously need money so creates a negative factor for the CrackDAT that some of the materials for today’s DAT preparation are very costly.

No downloads or installation, CrackDAT works through your internet browser.



5.Gold Standard

The Gold Standard comes with Full-Length Practice Tests: GS 1 and GS 2. Both are online tests with real DAT simulation software, explanations for answers, and instant scores.

GoldStandard for DAT courses


GS 1 test is the online version of the paper pull-out exam in The Gold Standard PAT book. For over 25 years Gold Standard has been helping students fulfill their dreams of securing entry to the dental school of their choice.

Innovative study books of Golden Standard were awarded winner of the USA Best Book Award in the Education/Academic Teaching category.

Their practice tests have been designed specifically for the DAT test, following the exact format and timings to make sure that the students are fully prepared for the big day.

The Complete Home Study Package comes with all of the following:

  • Gold Standard DAT complete 4-book, 1,500 pages, personal online access code, and practice materials
  • 3000+ practice questions are available in the books and online.
  • 2 full-length Gold Standard online DAT practice tests with detailed solutions are available where Mac and PC are compatible.
  • 3 full-length TopScore Pro practice tests with comprehensive detailed solutions, automatic scoring and diagnostic reports.
  • TopScore Pro license key to unlock a downloadable online software program with simply the best DAT practice tests available (2019 edition: 3 full-length computerized DAT practice tests, 18 exams). Mac and PC compatible.
  • Up to 7 months’ online access to TopScore Pro from your activation date
  • 6 months’ online access to the comprehensive Gold Standard natural science review (15 hours of videos) for the DAT with clear teaching. These videos provide an efficient 15-hour review of the most commonly tested DAT topics.Files will be emailed to you within 1 business day.
Biology Preparation General and Organic Chemistry Review (Perceptual Ability Test) Strategies and Practice, Full-length Exam Dental School Interview Advice Quantitative Reasoning (QR/Math) and Reading Comprehension (RC)
1.A comprehensive review of biology.

2. Chapters begin with learning objectives and end with multiple-choice questions followed by explanations.

3.350 questions and solutions.

4.Covers OAT biology and Canadian DAT biology.


1.A comprehensive review of chemistry.

2.Over 350 practice questions (book + online)

3.350 questions and solutions

4.Covers OAT Chem and Canadian DAT Chemistry


1.DAT PAT (Perceptual Ability Test) Strategies and Practice

2.More than 1300 practice questions and solutions (in the book and online)

3.Dental School Interview Advice 4.1 full-length practice test


1.A comprehensive review of Math and English reading skills

2. Innovative strategies presented

3. Chapters contain review content and strategies that are followed by practice multiple choice questions with outstanding explanations.

4.Over 350 practice questions



Gold Standard for DAT

Best courses to prepare for DAT


Top Score Pro for the DAT


Gold Standard DAT Practice Tests


  • 3 complete DAT practice tests
  • 2019 edition
  •  840+ comprehensive questions covering ALL sections
  •  Repeat any exam section as often as you want during your access period
  • Automatic scoring
  • Includes up to 7 months access from the activation date.


  • 2 new full-length DAT practice tests
  • 100% online with instant access.
  • All 4 sections: NS, QR, RC and PAT.
  • Arouse the real DAT exam
  • Include Online access for up to 7 months
  • Explanations and instant scoring
  • Access to 3 hours of natural science videos
  • Works with Windows/PC and Mac/Apple.







6.DAT Bootcamp


DAT Bootcamp The Best Online DAT Preparation

The traditional method of studying always doesn’t work for everyone, even some students are too much addicted to technology so that they can’t divert their mind from the field of computers, mobile and other technical devices which are fun to play with.

For students like them, it becomes very difficult to without their electronic devices even for a minute, therefore it is necessary to create something innovative that can help such students to achieve their goal. So the Ari has created an app called DAT Bootcamp to help the students through the adventurous field of technology.


BootCamp for DAT

Best DAT Prep courses online

DAT Bootcamp (used to be $247 for 90 days, now is $347 for 90 days). DAT Bootcamp helps students for DAT practice tests available in an appropriate online format. They are designed to be the most focused and high-yield preparation.a pre-dental student can use in their journey to conquer the DAT. They also offer a strategy blog dedicated solely to the DAT.

It’s called a Bootcamp for a reason – the material is challenging, but give you the amazingly wonderful prep by walking through the common questions, topics, and themes that appear on the DAT.

The Study Guide breaks down all of the DAT-specific tips and test-taking strategies to get you up to speed.

The Study Schedule is an updated day-by-day manual that covers exactly what materials to study and when to study them to best prepare you for the DAT. No software is needed. Get a realistic DAT testing experience entirely through your internet browser.

Cons: This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.



DAT Destroyer for DAT preparation


DAT Destroyer is a material created by Dr.Jim Romano which helps the pre-dental students to prepare for DAT by aiding them with the scholarly sections of subjects like Biology and Chemistry .

Students have been able to exceed the 90th percentile in sections of chemistry and biology to crack a goal like DAT. Since the DAT course not only contains chemistry and biology, so with the backing of Dr. Romano, Quantitative Reasoning is subdivided that aid students to recall and retain math basics and suppose if you have an extra hope for a dental scholarship, then give the DAT Destroyer a chance. DAT Destroyer material contains the key for your success on the DAT tries to make your dream come true.

All students are not interested in every subject, if someone likes biology then someone can like chemistry, even though some students dream to score high by focussing on their strong subject so there is a treasure for this.

Organic Chemistry Odessey is a supplementary book of over 900 Organic Chemistry for those students who want to master the organic section.

Price – $149.95

DAT Destroyer for DAT

Best Dental Admisson Test online courses


  • DAT Destroyer and Math Destroyer Combo Package

Best selling package

Combo package includes the DAT Destroyer containing Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, and General Chemistry and the Math Destroyer contains 480 math problems divided into 12 tests each with 40 questions.


  • DAT Destroyer Ultimate with General Chemistry Destroyer

The ultimate combination of the DAT Destroyer package of Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, and General Chemistry teamed up with Dr. Jim Romano’s extensive General Chemistry Destroyer. This study set is sure to challenge and prepare you.


  • DAT Destroyer Ultimate with Organic Chemistry Odyssey

The ultimate combination of the DAT Destroyer package of Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, and General Chemistry teamed up with Dr.Jim Romano’s extensive Organic Chemistry Odyssey. This study set is sure to challenge and prepare you.


  • DAT Destroyer Supreme with Organic Chemistry Odyssey

Supreme combination of the DAT Destroyer package of Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, and General Chemistry teamed up with Dr. Jim Romano’s extensive Organic Chemistry Odyssey. Also included is the MATH Destroyer. The 2019 Math Destroyer contains 480 math problems divided into 12 tests each with 40 questions.


  • DAT Destroyer Supreme with General Chemistry Destroyer

Supreme combination of the DAT Destroyer package of Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning and General Chemistry teamed up with Dr. Jim Romano’s extensive General Chemistry Destroyer. Also included is the MATH Destroyer. The 2019 Math Destroyer contains 480 math problems divided into 12 tests each with 40 questions. This study set is sure to challenge and prepare you


  • DAT Destroyer Dynamite

Supreme combination of the DAT Destroyer package of Organic Chemistry, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, and General Chemistry teamed up with Dr. Jim Romano’s extensive Organic Chemistry Odyssey and General Chemistry Destroyer. Also included is the MATH Destroyer. The 2019 Math Destroyer contains 480 math problems divided into 12 tests each with 40 questions.




Due to the nature of their materials, all sales are final, make your selections carefully. Do not offer refunds. No books are shipped on weekends or holidays. If you require overnight shipping please contact them before you purchase for a quote.

They only ship to US, Canada, PR, and Guam.
PDF/Electronic files of their materials are illegal and violate their copyright.



Quick Links:


Conclusion: Best DAT Courses & Study Materials 2025

Doctors have always proven themselves to be God of everything and save patients from disturbing health issues.

Dentist master in the field of teeth to make your smile shine brighter, the review given above is to help you with the materials needed for your Dental Admission Test Preparation, so stay focussed in your dream to cross the Gate of your success.

I have given the complete list of the Best DAT Courses & Study materials available online.


Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently following her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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