Awaken The Species inspires personal growth with profound insights and practical wisdom. It’s an empowering guide for aligning with higher consciousness, fostering meaningful change, and unlocking one’s true potential.
- A process of integration will take place each week.
- Find your one-of-a-kind and bring in the new world.
- Discover the energizing, energizing, and substantive voyage of discovery.
- There will be changes in the way friends and family treat you.
- You can only buy Awaken The Species online.
Price: $59
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Did you ever sense that you are being called to something greater?
Your soul longs to feel more connected to your Higher Self and to the people, places, and things around you?
Is it ever felt that chaos, illusions, and negative energies surround you and somehow keep you from discovering your true path or nature?
The highest and most fulfilling calling of every human being is a spiritual awakening, according to bestselling author and spiritual luminary Neale Donald Walsch.
To experience one, you do not need to be a monk or a shaman. Your goals and dreams do not need to be sacrificed.
A simple, trustworthy process is available: one that meets you where you are, and guides you towards the paradigm of unconditional love, connection, and contribution you were born to embody.
You can finally transcend your pain and struggles with Neale’s Awaken The Species program. Realize all that you are capable of. Discover what it means to live as a Highly Evolved Being.
Who Is Neale Donald Walsch?
“Conversation with God” is the best-known series of books by Neale Donald Walsch.
During its two-and-a-half-year tenure on the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God has been translated into 37 languages.
During the early 1990s, Walsch hit rock bottom in his life and began writing the book series. During a fire, he lost everything he owned. He had been married before and failed several times.

Now, he was homeless and without a job. Moreover, he was involved in a car accident that left him with a broken neck.
As a way to make sense of his suffering and strengthen his faith, he started writing rather than allowing the circumstances to beat him.
Do Conversations with God form the Basis of Awaken the Species?
It’s both true and false. Many of the principles in Awaken the Species are found in Conversations with God, particularly in the final book.
We are talking about Neale Donald Walsch here.
But even veteran fans of Walsh will learn a lot from this quest because it contains a great deal of “fresh” material. An immersive and intensive spiritual journey, more so.
You probably won’t like this Mindvalley quest if you don’t believe in God or aren’t into the idea of “heightened awareness.”
The Conversations with God series was more difficult for me to digest than this program. I am not one of those people who blindly believe in positive thinking or embrace toxic positivity. I remain a sensible and logical person despite my interest in new-age beliefs.
Moreover, despite my Catholic upbringing, I have a modern and unconventional relationship with God. As a result, I was filled with doubts at the beginning of my search. I eventually realized this journey was about more than making sense of external forces as I continued with Awaken the Species.
Do not misunderstand. In this book, Walsch explores societal concepts in-depth, showing why we are influenced by them.
An atheist would find it uncomfortable to hear him talk about God. However, he does so only to introduce us to alternatives we might not have considered before.
You won’t agree with him completely. However, that is exactly what he is trying to say. You are the subject of this. Make new versions of yourself that are in complete alignment with your inner authentic self.
Let’s examine Neale Donald Walsch’s words to understand what this quest is all about: “The purpose of life is to recreate your greatest vision of who you are in the next golden moment of right now.” Neale Donald Walsch
It’s quite the mouthful, isn’t it? As I told you, I did not understand this quote at the beginning of this program. How could I possibly interpret it? Throughout this quest, I finally realized:
It’s all about evolution.
Being open to change, embracing it, and surrendering to whatever version of yourself you arrive at.
Unpacking is the first step. You should explore your childhood, your belief system, and your current mindset, then ask yourself: Is this it? Are there other options?
It is never too late to become a better version of yourself. You are not meant to remain stagnant. In order to be beautiful, you must be able to achieve greater heights.
So my advice is to try to let go of all your expectations. Open yourself up to new ideas. You’re going to be fascinated by Awaken the Species if you’re ready for it.
Awaken The Species Review: Pricing
For the discounted price of $349 ($999), Awaken the Species can be purchased digitally.
You’ll receive:
- This program is accessible via desktop, mobile, and tablet for life.
- For 36 days, Neale provides daily guidance, videos, and audio
- Students and coaches from the program can interact with each other via the program’s vibrant community
- Customer support is available, and there is a 10-day money-back guarantee.
Alternatively, you can purchase the Digital Access + Certificate bundle for only $399 ($1049). This is something I personally never do. This is a certificate that merely acknowledges your participation in this (albeit exclusive) quest.
Nevertheless, I know people who like collecting certificates, and they were delighted to receive an Awaken the Species one. You may find it of interest.
Furthermore, I was a little disappointed that there was no bonus material given for this quest. The previous Mandvalley quests that I’ve taken have always provided me with guides/meditation materials.
I consider Awaken the Species to be less expensive than many of the other programs, and I feel that participating in the only training Neale Donald Walsch offers is worth it.
Awaken The Species Review 2025:
Firstly, let me walk you through the program curriculum before I share my insights on the quest.
“Bite-sized learning” is the format of the 36-day quest, “Awaken the Species.”. Each lesson will be unlocked every week, and you’ll need to go through it every day.
Except if you really immerse yourself in the growth work/journaling, the lessons shouldn’t last more than an hour.
You can expect the following:
The “lessons”:
It was impossible for me not to fall in love with the poetry of this quest as a writer. The words of Neale Donald Walsch had such beauty and grace. As soon as I read the introductory piece entitled, A Reminder Of Who You Really Are, I was deeply moved by the truth contained therein.
The video lessons continue this theme. They aren’t all romantic, though. Yet he imparts wisdom in a way that makes you feel at ease when listening to him. Instead of telling you what to think, he touches you. It was quite pleasant.

Typically, the video lessons last for about ten minutes. The video has English subtitles, and the speed can be increased up to two times.
There’s no fancy production like other Mindvalley quests. But I liked the straightforward approach. As a result, I was more focused on the words and the program’s feel.
The Workbook:
As you unlock each week, you’ll receive a new workbook. The workbooks aren’t optional for this quest, unlike other Mindvalley quests. Throughout the whole program, you will be relying on them. It is full of exercises that you can use as soon as you finish watching the video.
The workbooks were printed for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the exercises and reflection prompts. My learning was greatly enriched by them.
If you’re new to writing your thoughts, you might find it awkward at first. But remember, only you will see it. You could look back on your notes at the end of the quest to see how much progress and growth you’ve made.
The Tasks:
You also have “tasks” to complete. Other times, there are different tasks for each day, while sometimes they are the same throughout the week. This might be an optional task. For example, you can opt not to “contact one person today and let them know what you have withheld and why.”
However, keep in mind that these tasks are meant to test your insights and elevate your growth work. I strongly suggest that you do these because Walsch is all about guidance. They can be challenging. There may be some silly ones.
However, if you decide to pursue this quest, you must completely open yourself to the process.
The Tribe:
Mindvalley quests are one of my favourite things because of The Tribe. Private Facebook groups are available for each program. If you enroll, you will receive a secret paraphrase to access it.
Those who belong to MindValley’s tribes are passionate and don’t hesitate to share their thoughts or learn from others. The tribes of Awaken the Species are no different.
Participation isn’t really my thing. I prefer watching rather than taking part. Nevertheless, thanks to taking Lisa Nichol’s Speak and Inspire quest, I pushed myself to be more “out there” than usual. Still, I had an amazing time with them.

Although Awaken the Species focuses primarily on your own evolution, Neale Donald Walsch’s ultimate intent is to inspire a chain reaction where “awakened souls” can encourage others to experience heightened awareness, too. That was really taken to heart by this tribe.
It’s nice to talk with people who share similar interests. Particularly since few of my friends share my interest in personal development. I know you’re going to enjoy this part of the quest tremendously!
Awaken The Species Customer Review:

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Conclusion: Is It Any Good?
The result is that we can consider this to be a program that contributes to personal development. Moreover, the program is open to all. It increases confidence levels. The training will last for 20 minutes every day for 21 days if you enroll in this program.
This program will help you overcome all negative thoughts in your life, allowing you to live a happy, positive life.
If you want to change your life, this program is a great choice. It lives for the better. So don’t delay; use this program today!